Monday, October 15, 2012

Dinosaur Blue Baby Boy Set

I've had most of this set done for quite a while I just had never sewn a tie onesie for it so I didn't want to post it yet. The dinosaur fabric and the stripe fabric is another design by Ann Kelle, my current favorite fabric designer for kids. I have sewn a majority of my baby sets with her fabric.

I received an order on Etsy a few days ago and had to fulfill that order so while I was sewing that set I finished this one up. It felt so good to be sewing again. I'd taken a long break when we were moving to our house and it was wonderful to get set up in the new house and sew some new items.

This set includes 1 dinosaur burp cloth, 2 reversible bibs, and 1 stripe tie onesie. It is available for sale on Etsy in our shop.

 If you are interested in purchasing this set or another set check out the sets we offer on Etsy. We can make custom sets too, so look through the fabric selections on Facebook and contact us at to place your order.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Custom Boy Set - 5 Burp Cloths, 2 Tie Onesies

I recently had the privilege of making a Custom Set for a friend's brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their baby boy. Each of the items in this set were chosen by the parents of the little boy who will get to enjoy them. The set includes five burp cloths each with a different fabric, and two matching 9 & 12  month appliqued tie onesies.

While making this set I fell in love with the Mosaic Animal Multicolor fabric. I hadn't made anything out of it yet and it turned out so cute on the burp cloth and as a tie. I am excited to make a set out of this fabric and the bigger animal print fabric that goes with it.
Five Burp Cloths in different fabrics: Mosaic Animal Multicolor, Blue Stripe, Birds in Bermuda, Turles, & Dinosaurs

Mosaic Animal Multicolor Tie Onesie and Burp Cloth

Blue Stripes Tie Onesie and Burp Cloth

Custom Boy Set - 5 Burp Cloths, 2 Tie Onesies

All ready to be mailed in their bags. Each bag is hand made and tied with a thin brown ribbon.

If you would like to order your own Custom Set for a boy or girl or even a neutral set contact me at Check us out on Facebook to see the fabrics we offer for Custom Sets.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Dinosaur & Stripe Baby Boy Set

I am all about everything matching, and when I saw these two fat quarters and how well they went together I had to buy them. When I purchased these two fabrics I hadn't even thought about a business yet. I was just purchasing fabric to make gifts for all our family and friends having babies, and once I start looking at fabric I can't help but buy some...well a lot. I blame that on my Mom. She loves fabric and quilting and sewing and well just about anything that has to do with those things. But I'm glad because I love to sew too.

Anyways, back to the set, I had enough fabric to make 2 burp cloths, 2 reversible bibs, and 2 onesies. I do not normally cut out a shape, such as the dinosaur, and stitch around it, but I liked them just how they were and so I went for it anyways. I love how bright and fun this set is!

This set is available for sale via email at or on our Etsy store when it opens next week!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Farm Alphabet Baby Boy Set

I bought this adorable Alphabet fabric before I even realized it was all about farm things. I absolutely love the color brown, as you will come to know from the fabrics I choose. I love how each letter also has a picture of something related to a farm. My favorite is the O wearing overalls. I paired this brown with a nice yellow for the backs of the bibs.

Farm Alphabet Baby Boy Set: 1 burp cloth, 2 bibs, 1 tie onesie.

Farm Alphabet Tie Onesie: fussy-cut to have the T for Tractor and Q for Quack on it.

Burp cloth folded

Burp Cloth laid out to show how it really looks.

Farm Alphabet Bibs

This set is available for sale. Contact us at for more information or purchase it on our Etsy store when it opens next week!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flower Love Baby Girl Set

I bought these 3 fat quarters of fabric before I even knew what I was going to do with them. They were just too cute to pass up. I ended up making 3 burp cloths, 3 bibs and 1 onesie out of the fabric. I even have a little bit of fabric left over for a couple more appliqued onesies if I ever get around to it.

This set will be available on our Etsy store or if you would like to order it before we open our store let me know at

We're waiting to open our Etsy store until we get our business cards and packaging all figured out. Hopefully only one more week!

The full Flower Love Baby Girl set: 3 burp cloths, 3 bibs, 1 onesie.

First LOVE onesie I made. It turned out even better than I thought it would. I love it!

The 3 burp cloths: fabric sewn down the middle of Gerber 3-ply diaper cloths.

Each fabric is paired with each of the other ones so all 3 bibs are different and reversible.

Looking forward to some little girl wearing these cute bibs and adorable onesie!